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The ozone layer is the most essential element for the survival of living organisms. The ozone layer is our protective shield which protects us from the Ultraviolet radiations of the Sun. These radiations are hazardous and can cause severe diseases like skin cancer.


The ozone layer is the most essential element for the survival of living organisms. The ozone layer is our protective shield which protects us from the Ultraviolet radiations of the Sun. These radiations are hazardous and can cause severe diseases like skin cancer. The Ozone layer is present in the Stratosphere of Earth. If this would not have been present then there was no chance for the survival of living organisms.

Nowadays, this layer is depleting day by day because of the production of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS).  Since 1986, the Ozone layer has shown gradual depletion and is largely above the southern hemisphere. The largest historical extent of the ozone hole, around 28.4 million square kilometres, occurred in September 2000. This area is equivalent to almost seven times the territory of the EU.[1]  Every year the size of the ozone layer is increasing. This is a matter of serious concern. If survival is itself in danger then it is no use to focus on welfare and development.


To take steps to protect the ozone layer first let us understand the causes.

  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Chlorofluorocarbons are the main destroyer of the ozone layer. When the CFCs come in contact with UV rays they release Chlorine which destroys ozone molecules.[2] These are released through Air Conditioners, Refrigerators and Aerosols. We are recklessly using AC for our comfort and ignoring its effect on the environment. We humans are always responsible for the degradation of the environment in many ways.

  • Ignorance

People are ignorant about the ozone layer depletion. They don’t have any idea that their actions are harming the environment. Also, those who knew it, just act as if they have another planet to live on.

  • Weak administration

Administration many times ignores environmental issues. They focus on their interest areas like the economy, politics, national development and many others. They forget that if we are not able to survive then what is the use of developments and innovations? Also, the implementation of legislation and policies related to Ozone are insufficient as compared with the rate of depletion.

  • Toxic Lifestyle

Nowadays, people are following a toxic standard of living. Some people think that putting AC in their homes symbolizes a higher status in society. Also, if they don’t need it still they put it. Nowadays, a refrigerator is a basic necessity for every house which again produces CFCs.

  • Nuclear Wars

The best example is the Second World War. It was found that nuclear weapons release Nitrogen oxides which are capable of destroying ozone molecules.[3] Just to show the power, the use of nuclear weapons is very irresponsible towards the environment as well as humanity.

  • Industrialization

After industrialization, industries are increasing a lot. Industries produce a lot of ODSs during the production process. The released chlorine, bromine, carbon monoxides, etc. deplete the ozone layer. This again becomes the cause of depletion.

  • Low temperature above Antarctica

Ozone layer depletion is more prominent in the southern hemisphere. This is because of the temperature of the stratosphere which has a great impact on the ozone layer. Once the temperature goes below -78°C, polar stratospheric clouds tend to form, which exacerbate ozone depletion. In the Antarctic, the long presence of low temperatures in the stratosphere is stimulating their formation.[4]


India has made efforts for the protection of the environment including the problem of Ozone Depletion. Some are the legislations below:

  • Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation) Rules, 2000

This regulation was a very good step taken by the government to protect the ozone layer. This played a very important role in regulating the export and import of ozone-depleting substances.

  • Prohibition of import of hydrochlorofluorocarbons

This notification has banned the import of hydrochlorofluorocarbons. If the import is stopped then automatically the use will be decreased. This has helped a lot in protecting the ozone layer.

  • Environmental Protection Act

India has regulations regarding the protection of the environment through which it brings many legislations for the protection of the ozone layer.

  • International efforts

India also follows international guidelines about the protection of Ozone and the environment. It is also a part of the Montreal Protocol which regulates and works for the protection of the ozone layer. India also periodically attends international meetings and conferences which talk about the protection of the environment.

  • Montreal Protocol

India is successfully implementing the Montreal Protocol in the country. It has achieved a 44% reduction of HCFC, highlighting India’s efforts in the protection of the ozone layer. Also, it celebrates World Ozone Day to promote awareness about ozone depletion.[5]

  • Recently, India launched the National Clean Air Program (NCAP) to battle the increasing level of pollutants in the air. It is a five-year action plan with 2019 as its first year.[6]


To get a more satisfying result we need to take a few more steps for the protection of the Ozone Layer. Below are a few strategies to stop ozone depletion:

  • Provide Education

Administration should make efforts to provide quality education about the environment and its protection. This would solve the roots of the problem.

  • Efficient Management

Management of the administration should be efficient and have effective implementations of the policies and regulations for better results.

  • Impartial Organization

There should be an organization that is impartial and would keep a strict check on the implementation of policies working for the protection of the ozone layer.

Only the efforts of administration are insufficient, as a living being on the earth, it is our responsibility to protect our environment. In the end, it is not for the earth but for us only. If we do not take ozone depletion seriously then our next generation will struggle for their survival and again earth will see the end of living organisms. We together have to work and bring change. 


Overall, Ozone depletion is an issue of serious concern and everybody has to work on it. Many obstacles cause ozone depletion but we need to overcome all these. India has taken many initiatives for the protection of the ozone layer and is still working on it. As a human being, we have to contribute by helping the government in its implementation of policies.

Remember we don’t have another planet to live on, so protect the one which we have.

Author(s) Name: Tejashri Suradkar (ILS Law College)


[1] European Environment Agency, ‘What is the current state of the ozone layer?’ <> accessed 19 March 19, 2024

[2] Jerry Coffey, ‘Causes of Ozone Depletion’ <,Montreal%20Protocol%2C%20to%20protect%20the%20ozone%20layer>  accessed 19 March 2024

[3] Charles Bardeen, ‘Extreme Ozone Loss following Nuclear War results in enhanced surfaced ultraviolet radiations’ <,)%20(Crutzen%2C%201970)> accessed 19 March 2024

[4] European Environment Agency, ‘What is the current state of the ozone layer?’ <> accessed 19 March 19, 2024

[5]Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, ‘Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change celebrates 29th World Ozone Day’ <> accessed 19 March, 2024

[6] Anjana Parikh, ‘India bans import of import of hydrochlorofluorocarbon that depletes the ozone layer’ <> accessed 19 March 19, 2024