India is facing unprecedented hardship due to the COVID pandemic. More so, the lower and middle class of this country are grappling to survive in a system unable to provide employment and economic growth. In a study conducted by Pew Research Center, 75 million people were found
India is ranked second in the world in terms of road links. But on the same, the pace of road mishaps, road accidents, and road injury in India is one of the greatest in the world. Aggressive and negligent driving has been a big issue on our streets for some time, and it appears to just be
“Words are not the only medium of expression. A man frequently expresses his desire to do something or to get something done by his actions. Conduct may often convey a promise, or an assent, as clearly as words.” It is not necessary that the offers and acceptance to it has to be given in
“An arbitrary law cannot exist in India’s constitutional democracy.” This was the unanimous opinion of the Supreme Court’s constitution bench when it declared triple talaq to be illegal. As a lively democracy and a dynamic culture, India’s personal relationship norms and regulations must adapt
E-waste refers to an electrical hardware which can be used or unused but has somehow lost its utility in the eyes of owner and has been discarded. It also comprises of the electronic items that have been left unsold the the showrooms as ultimately it is discarded after a period of time.
The main duty of judiciary is dispensing justice and this process involves functioning of two wheels named Bar and Bench which act like two wheels of the vehicle. Functions of both are supplementary and complementary to each other. Mutually respecting is mandatory to maintain
Human Rights are rights that are provided from birth to death to all persons of the world which include basic rights and liberties. Human rights are basic requirements for a living being. A person’s human rights cannot be taken by any state, and a state cannot grant human rights to its citizens
Cultural identity in India is diverse and it is preserved because of different religious personal laws as each religion has its own laws which govern the matters like marriage, divorce, etc. But, this pluralistic culture gives thrust to the debate over the equality clause in the Constitution.
On 15th August 2021, while India was celebrating its 75th Independence Day, about 990 km from Delhi, the Talibans captured Kabul and overtook the Afghan government exactly 20 years after they were overthrown by invasion led by US. However, the current political situation of Afghanistan may
The state of Jammu and Kashmir is known as the crown of mother India, the largest city located on the banks of river Jhelum, ethnic, language, traditions and linguistic composition of commonly speaking Hindi, Kashmiri and , situated on the northern hills covering lush green valley all over