Gender diversity has been a part of a larger global discourse in the past few decades. The rise of the feminist legal theory has brought every regime of law under the scrutiny of the world, and corporate law is no different. While gender disparity scandals in corporate bodies are not unheard of,
Internet is the most formidable thing in the world now. We co-exist with every other in this situation of the Covid-19 pandemic with the help of the internet. Many of the confidential conversations are communicated with help of social media tools like WhatsApp.
Fisheries and aquaculture are key economic resources in India, and they supply food for millions of people. Like those in any other business, laws, and regulations serve to keep the practice safe, healthy, and sustainable.
When we look from a jurisprudential point of view, according to the theory of Hans Kelsen’s “Pure theory of law”, the Constitution of any country represents the Grundnorm. These basic norms comprise fundamental principles, laying down the foundation of a civil society that forms the basic structure of the Constitution.
The stereotypical ideology has divided the human race into two genders: Female and male; thus, anything outside the scope of this defined structure is usually deplorable in society. A transgender person means “a person whose gender does not match with the gender that was assigned to them at their birth but they are the persons with intersex variation and genderqueer”.
In section 25 of the Evidence Act, 1872 it is expressly given that the confessions that are made in front of the police officials shall not be allowed to be proven against a person who is accused of any type of offence/wrong.
Stand-up comedy can be defined as a piece of art comprising of producing, editing, and writing comedic works by comedians who give a live performance. Comedians often complain of ‘Joke Theft’ and therefore, the same can be protected through copyright laws.
The law of Contracts, based on the doctrine of consensus ad idem, i.e., meeting of minds between the parties, provides certain defences to the parties in cases where the ‘meeting of minds’ is disputed and there is no consensus between them.
Pegasus is spyware, it infiltrates your phone or any other device, using a vector. The vector is what carries the spyware inside the device it could be WhatsApp, it could be via messaging, it could be via mail.
On July 11, Richard Branson, a British money manager, turned into the principal vacationer to go outside of Earth in his space motor beating Jeff Bezos to do as such and impacting the world forever in the field of room investigation.