India is a land of various religions and each religion has its significant customs and traditions. The notion of marriage is no exception and the way of solemnizing it is also different across all religions. For Hindus, marriage is a “holy union”, whereas in Muslims it is contractual.
Marriage is considered as a sacramental union, and it confers the status of husband and wife on the parties to the marriage. According to Manu, it is considered a permanent union. However, as society has developed. Its views have also changed.
Any person who is the owner or has the possession or even the control of any animal or ‘creature of nature’ may become accountable for any nuisance or damage created by the animal.
Self-satisfaction is a crucial factor in today’s rapidly evolving technological world. In the same way, customer happiness is critical for manufacturers, producers, and storekeepers. A consumer is someone who not only buys but also utilizes and consumes a product.
Iddat is one of the customary practices under the Quran which has been recognised through legislative enactment as well. Under section-2(b) of The Muslim Women Act, 1986, “iddat” is mandatory under which divorced/widowed wives have to observe certain restrictions.
From climate change to terrorism, the list of current global challenges is long and doesn’t seem to end with the new addition of COVID-19. Amidst these, the issue of overpopulation is not new.
The concept of crime has been prevalent since time immemorial, with the change of society the type of crime has also been changed. In the 20th century when technology was used on world level scale and the crime also have been shifted to technology-based crime also known as cybercrime.
The recent death of Father Stan Swamy, an octogenarian Catholic priest, as an under-trial arrested under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (hereinafter referred to as UAPA), has triggered off a fresh debate against the said legislation.
An old woman was providing a sum of money to her sister (plaintiff) out of her estate. Later on, the old lady transferred her property to her daughter (defendant) by a deed of gift which was registered by the respective authorities.
So, do you find yourself all geared up for that lease? That descent apartment with the community of your choice. Oh yes! The one you’ve been bookmarking ever since you’ve had your first pay cheque. But are you really good to go? What about your credit?