The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) was created in the year 1940 earlier known as the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act (SSCRA) and the objective was to strengthen the national defense by providing Service members temporary suspension from their judicial
The era of globalization and digitalization has been marked by a wave of advancements in the field of communication science and technology. Continuous improvements in the specific field have also led to transformation of certain devices to build a bridge to exploit the individual’s personal data.
Childhood is a very sensitive phase of life. It knows no concerns or tensions and not even the good or bad. It is the time of complete innocence. But sometimes without realising this very fact, people misuse them to a degree that their future is demolished until the end of time.
The Two-Finger Test, also known as the virginity test, is a test performed by the medical experts by inserting two fingers into the victim’s vagina which is used to determine the looseness of a limb or muscle and also about the victim activity like whether she is sexually active or not.
According to Hindu Law, marriage is one of the 16 samskaras and the union is permanent in nature and only death can dissolve it. However, this line of old thinking, wherein permanence and inviolability of marriage were their own pillars, has now eroded.
In today’s world of smartphones and ultra-fast computers, every individual can access video games through their respected devices. It has become a hobby for people of all ages and also has emerged into a booming business worldwide. Gaming has its roots dating back to the ‘60s when Spacewar!
Has anyone ever stopped you from wearing or doing something stating that it is indecent and unacceptable to society? If yes, then there is no harm in saying that you are one of the victims of Moral Policing. Moral policing or Vigilantism is a term that is used to describe the actions of vigilante groups.
It is a widely prejudiced and deliberately unaccepted fact that women have been the driving force of the human race without even getting enough credit. Yet, patriarchy continues to exist and dominate society since the dawn of civilization.
The Ministry of External Affairs introduced the Draft Emigration Bill, 2021 (initially planned in 2019) and invited public comments and suggestions on it. This bill seeks to replace the extant legislation i.e. Emigration Act, 1983.
It is an ethical belief that humans hold an intrinsic value and all humans hold the capacity to serve others in their instrumental value. ‘Environment’ is a French word for ‘environner’, it means ‘to surround or to encircle’.