In today’s world of smartphones and ultra-fast computers, every individual can access video games through their respected devices. It has become a hobby for people of all ages and also has emerged into a booming business worldwide. Gaming has its roots dating back to the ‘60s when Spacewar!
Has anyone ever stopped you from wearing or doing something stating that it is indecent and unacceptable to society? If yes, then there is no harm in saying that you are one of the victims of Moral Policing. Moral policing or Vigilantism is a term that is used to describe the actions of vigilante groups.
It is a widely prejudiced and deliberately unaccepted fact that women have been the driving force of the human race without even getting enough credit. Yet, patriarchy continues to exist and dominate society since the dawn of civilization.
The Ministry of External Affairs introduced the Draft Emigration Bill, 2021 (initially planned in 2019) and invited public comments and suggestions on it. This bill seeks to replace the extant legislation i.e. Emigration Act, 1983.
It is an ethical belief that humans hold an intrinsic value and all humans hold the capacity to serve others in their instrumental value. ‘Environment’ is a French word for ‘environner’, it means ‘to surround or to encircle’.
In recent times, the advertisement industry has got quite advanced and has come up with more innovative ideas to attract consumers through their enticing advertisements, and brand ambassadors or endorsers play a key role in product advertising. But at times, the advertisement proves to be misleading.
On 11th August 2020, the last date for public feedback regarding the new amendments to the draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) 2020 notification was over. The feedback form recorded an astonishing 17 lakh opinions and comments from the public
The word “Alibi” is derived from Latin which means “elsewhere” or “somewhere else”. It is used as a defence by the person who is accused, in criminal proceedings. When the accused makes a plea of alibi, it means that the accused is trying to convey and convince the court that he is at some other place at the time when the crime happened.
In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a lockdown all over the nation where the usage of drones has increased for purposes like videography, surveillance, and disinfection. So, the draft Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Rules, 2020 was notified by the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA).
The Year 2020 started with what was probably the largest and most severe pandemics the human race has faced in the 21st Century. Millions of people lost their lives after contracting the virus and several more are still suffering from the secondary infections