A standard form of contract is one in which one of the parties establishes the contract’s terms and conditions, and the other side has very little or no opportunity to negotiate more favourable terms, leaving them in a “take it or leave it” situation.
Human civilization has over the years resorted to violence to resort to any conflict be it our ancestors fighting for food or mating to now advance warfare for territory or historical rivalry. The word war implies a condition of contention or battle between states or nations.
Agreement in restraint of trade means the trade in which one party agrees with the opposite party to restrict their right to perform a job or profession with other persons who are not the trade parties without the explicit authorization of this party. Section 27 of the Indian Contract says that agreements that restrict of trade are null and invalid in India.
Personal safety and security as well as security to liberty and property is of maximal importance to any individual. The State, regardless of the ideology or governmental form, aims and designs certain systems of penal laws in order to maintain law and order.
The term ‘Mob’ refers to the crowd. A group of people punishing or killing a person without following any legal procedure believing that something wrong was done by that person is known as Mob Lynching. Mob lynching originated in the United States in the 18th century
Our country is known for its rich culture and diversity all over and there is always a festival that is being celebrated here and a lot of women look forward to buying new dresses however here comes the main problem that while some designers spend years
A bailment is the giving of some good(s) by an individual to another for a specific purpose for a certain period of time. After the purpose is fulfilled, the good(s) must be returned or otherwise disposed of following the instructions of the person who gave them.
India, the world’s largest democracy, is a melting pot of different opinions, views, ideologies and beliefs. It is the very existence of these differential opinions and views that add flavour to the essence of our democracy. Hence, it is justified that as and
Starting from vaccine demands to manufacturing our vaccine to rage over vaccine scarcity, India has seen it all. Covaxin, developed by Bharat Biotech and Covishield developed by the Serum Institute of India are the only indigenous vaccines
Since the beginning of time, the law and society have had a special relationship. Both have a symbiotic relationship, functioning as the cause and consequence of one another’s changes.