Trolling refers to the intentional online posting of offensive, defamatory or derogatory, irrelevant content on social media for the sole purpose of mocking someone or spreading hatred. Trolling affects the victim mentally as well as emotionally and they also tend to lose confidence in
Jus Corpus
Mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in which parties try to resolve their conflicts outside of the court proceedings with the aid of an impartial third party known as a
The Mullaperiyar dam is located on the Periyar River in the Indian state of Kerala. It is situated in the Western Ghats in Thekkady, Idukki district. Initially named Periyaru Dam, the dam provides water to the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The name “Mullaperiyar” was derived from the names of the
India was one of the 135 countries, in the world, to recognize education as a fundamental right. In 2002, through the 86th amendment, Article 21-A was added to the constitution which recognised
Nowadays, online streaming is increasingly becoming popular all around the world. It is also Known as OTT (Over The Top) media services which referred to those media services that are delivered directly to users via the internet. Online streaming platforms have mostly replaced televisions and
A tort is a civil wrong. The word tort is derived from the french word “tortum”, which means crooked or twisted. A tort is different from a crime. Torts are usually a violation of the legal rights of a person. A tort is only a part of all civil wrongs. There are several torts like Defamation, Nuisance, Trespass,
Marital Rape, in simple words, refers to the situation where sexual intercourse lacks consent and is forcible. Section 375 IPC defines rape, a man is said to commit rape if he has sexual intercourse with
The infamous ‘hot coffee case’ definitely brought about a revolution in the field of Torts Law. The case was often termed as a ‘frivolous lawsuit’, however a close look at the intricacies of the case would prove otherwise. Stella Liebeck, an a-79-year-old woman was waiting with her grandson in
Gender inequality is something that India is fighting since the beginning. Daughters right on the property are only one aspect of inequality. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 deals with the issue of
The Specific Relief Act of 1963 (hereinafter referred to as SRA, 1963) aims to provide remedies to the injured party and cover a wide range of available remedies. Declaratory decrees are one of the ways of bringing relief to someone who is being denied rights to which she/he is entitled to. A declaration