The field of Intellectual property rights has only become mainstream in the last 30 to 40 years. But, intellectual property as a concept has been recognized for a much larger period. For example, the
Jus Corpus
If the plaintiff has a right, “he must of necessity have the means to vindicate and maintain it; and indeed, it is a vain thing to imagine a right without a remedy; for want of right and want of remedy
As we all know, our India is one of the most developing countries in the world and the government of India have also taken a wide step called “digital India” where it made the citizens to reach government of India from one Place in one touch. The Government of India have also been
The Delhi High Court has ruled that animals have a legal right to be treated with empathy, courtesy, and integrity, in what is being heralded as a breakthrough verdict in the field of animal law. Local
Gig Workers are those individuals who work hourly, part-time or work for only specific purposes.
It is time we stop mincing words and finally admit that India is not a safe place for sexual minorities.
As rightly put by the 48th Chief Justice of the country- “If we want a different outcome from the judicial system, we cannot continue to work in these circumstances. An integral aspect, in this regard, is financial autonomy of the judiciary.”
The Law of Contract is the most important branch of commercial law. How people trade among themselves, what obligations are applied on people if they do not obey their trade for which they
In a democracy, the right to protest is one of the most important pillars of the nation. A person has a right to protest in a peaceful manner to show his dissent towards the policies formulated by the government. It provides feedback to the government about its actions. The Right to protest plays an
Do you know the value of freedom and time? How did you feel during the recent lockdowns where you couldn’t meet friends and family, enjoy the fresh air by taking a walk in the park, eat the food that you always enjoy, etc and live life with the freedom to do what you want, when you want and