The law of torts enables a person who has suffered any injury or harm to claim damages.
There is an old saying “What goes around, comes around”.
Jammu and Kashmir is a member of the Indian Union, but its constitutional provisions and relations with the central government vary from state to state.
Everyone tries to utilise the resource in best possible manner by investing in right assets by getting the most of it in this increasing business of both the real estate and scope of business.
Nuthalapati Venkata Ramana popularly known as N.V Ramana is the 2nd most senior judge in the Supreme Court of India after Justice S.A Bobde.
“We the people ”, are the first verses of the living document, signifies the intent of our constitution-makers of future India.
Any Contract which cannot be enforced by law is void.
When one crime is committed, two persons made that happen; the first is accused and the second is the victim.
When a person agrees to do something when offered by another person, then this is called Consent.
Every society has its evils and every society has established methods to fight such evil but in order to fight such evils.
Navtej Singh v. Union of India was an enormous success towards the notions of equality and non-discrimination.
The past of ADR in India predates the Indian judiciary’s modern adversarial model.