The law that everybody is innocent till declared blameful has been damaged upon with exemption. Legal abuse refers to an inequitable or ironic legal proceeding initiated with self-seeking or evil intentions.
It is surprising to know that people like to watch animal sports even in the contemporary times when numerous modes of entertainment are easily available and accessible.
On 27 September 2018 The Hon’ble Supreme Court removed the 158 years old law as unconstitutional. Supreme Court says that having an extra marital affair is not a criminal offence anymore.
Encounter, the term we have heard in the past and has been famous since 1982, which was recorded to be the first ever official encounter in our country.
On the evening of 29th June 2020, The Ministry of Information Technology, invoked its power given under the Information Technology Act, 2000 [“IT Act”]
Born in India as a girl in India and getting married here shows some really serious concerns for offences like rape and dowry but what about the men who are afraid to get married
Imagine oneself being removed from their natural habitat and being sent away to an unknown place with a completely different environment and into a cage.
Privatization is the process of transferring the ownership of a business, enterprise, agency, from the government i.e. from the public sector to the private sector for the motive of profit.