Imagine oneself being removed from their natural habitat and being sent away to an unknown place with a completely different environment and into a cage.
I grew up in a country where the moment you step out on the street there are thousands of people surrounding you,
Privatization is the process of transferring the ownership of a business, enterprise, agency, from the government i.e. from the public sector to the private sector for the motive of profit.
What feminism would include was equal status, equal opportunities and women empowerment.
The offenders are arrested for the offence they have committed. They are presumed to be innocent until the case is proven.
Internet technology and its constituents, software applications, and programming languages develop today at a frantic pace.
Before talking at any specific topic, there is no hard and fast rule to explain the history of that specific topic,
The Indian constitution is a living document with a dynamic approach that demands to be updated time and again in response to the raid societal changes.
Monday, May 7. A little past 3 am. The residents of a village in Vishakhapatnam woke up smelling something different in the air.
The present time is not easy for us, the humans. The COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the countries, taking away thousands and thousands of innocent lives.