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All these tech developments have made boardroom meetings and discussions so much more important over recent times because you know; people can chat about crucial matters .


All these tech developments have made boardroom meetings and discussions so much more important over recent times because you know; people can chat about crucial matters like data privacy. Secrets are vital for business success. They may include confidential financial information or proprietary algorithms. As the importance of company data increases, boards will always be more concerned about safeguarding that information.
The Boards understand that treating confidential data improperly can lead to severe legal and reputational damage for the organization, and can violate the privacy of individuals. Yeah, it’s really important to implement strict data protection protocols because data privacy is essential in today’s world. Students need to keep themselves updated with changing regulations like GDPR and other regional data protection mandates to ensure compliance and risks.

I have noticed that data privacy is not only a conversation in the IT department but also has become a part of corporate governance and strategic decisions. While making choices, managers must remember to collect, keep, and organize information correctly and strictly adhere to the rules and moral principles of the organization.
Well, our school should put more resources into cyber security training for students, teachers, and staff so that we can better protect ourselves from online threats. It is important for us to regularly keep track of our company’s cyber security posture, and the risks that we are facing and have proper incident response plans to tackle any threats that may confront us.
More and more people are realizing the importance of being transparent when it comes to handling data, and how it can bring benefits to their clients as well as stakeholders. I think it is really important to be truthful and sincere while handling data, but it is even more critical in today’s advanced technology time. The openness and transparency we should maintain help us create trust among our users and ensure that their data is utilized for the benefit of all. It is not just about adhering to guidelines; it involves developing positive relationships with coworkers and maintaining a strong company reputation.


Recent years have seen tectonic shifts in the data privacy landscape. Both individuals and regulators are now more aware of data privacy issues due to high-profile data breaches and the introduction of strict laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)[1] and the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR)[2]. The ramifications go beyond safeguarding personal information; they also cover the wider range of business data kept in boardrooms.


I believe that the success of a business is largely dependent on the internal information that they keep confidential. Such items encompass confidential information, patents, budget records, and tactical blueprints, amongst others. If someone leaks sensitive information about the company, it can harm the company’s image and reputation, resulting in financial losses. We must be aware as students that directors have the responsibility to guard the organization from any potential threats.

  1. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: It’s super important for us, as students, to understand the laws and regulations related to data privacy, so that we can be fully informed and responsible digital citizens. Then it could face consequences like harm to its reputation and potentially face the law. My professor says that directors must not only know the legal requirements but also ensure that their company’s data management is in line with the regulations.
  2. Risk Management Strategies: This question is not “whether it will happen” or “if it will happen,” instead, it is “when it will happen,” and management boards should work alongside cyber security experts to create a plan to deal with this issue. It is necessary to have cyber security included in a wider framework of risk management for businesses, so that we may regularly evaluate the risks and make readiness plans for possible cyber-attacks.
  3. Board Oversight and Accountability: The governance structure should be deeply embedded with the responsibility for data privacy. To guarantee a committed emphasis on data privacy problems, boards must designate a Data Protection Officer (DPO) or assign oversight responsibilities to an existing executive.[3]
  1. Employee Training and Awareness: It happens because mistakes of people cause the data leak. The boards make sure that the staff receives enough training to understand and follow the best practices that are related to data privacy. Along with this, they make sure that everyone knows their responsibility to keep the company’s secrets safe.
    2. Encryption and Anonymization: Such technologies like anonymization and encryption can make our data more secure. Encryption is a method used by companies to prevent unauthorized access. By using encryption, information becomes an unreadable and unlinkable account now which makes it difficult for hackers to access it without the required security codes.
    3. Incident Response Plans: School leaders and teachers need to work together to build and check out their emergency procedures consistently. The instructions of this guide should be precise and express how to partner with attorneys and communication specialists to execute repair operations with complete certainty during a data breach incident.
  1. Equifax Data Breach (2017)[4]: The breach at Equifax, divulging sensitive data of a considerable number of individuals, highlights the significance of boards’ leadership. Given the seriousness of the situation, it is really important to take steps proactively to avoid such consequences. Legal repercussions, huge losses, and a bad reputation are some of the ones that could happen. Therefore, organizations need to be careful when it comes to their activities.
  2. Yahoo Data Breaches (2013 and 2014)[5]: Because Yahoo did not notify other people about the security breaches and couldn’t solve them on its own, it faced penalties from the court and got a lower price for its acquisition. Having clear and timely notification is essential when it comes to minimizing the impacts of a data breach.
  1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: This rapid expansion of AI technology and machine learning brings in issues with data privacy. We should ensure that ethical considerations are kept in mind when making use of these technologies as it is important for maintaining the security of personal data. Additionally, regulations must be enforced to safeguard privately owned data.
  2. Supply Chain Risks: Any organization that relies on external vendors or suppliers is at risk of data breaches, as their networks are interconnected with ours. It is essential that companies strictly follow cyber security norms at every stage of production distribution and third-party provider’s practices must be monitored carefully.

Our understanding of data privacy is constantly changing and evolving, making it necessary to adapt quickly. The board of directors need to lead in promoting a culture where protecting trade secrets is a priority. By keeping up-to-date with technological advancement and putting in the best practices, companies can protect their boards from data privacy issues. This step can help in securing the essential information that outlines the success path of the company. Data privacy in the boardroom is becoming an important issue from a strategic standpoint, as the trust and confidence of stakeholders are at stake when dealing with data. This is not just about complying with regulations, but also about establishing credibility and reliability in the industry and business world.

Author(s) Name: Somya Gupta (Bennett University)


[1]Maria Korolov, ‘California Consumer Privacy Act(CCPA): What you need to know to be Complaint’ [2020] CSO, <> accessed 11 dec 2023

[2]Rich Castagna, ‘General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR)’ TechTarget <,Data%20Protection%20Directive%20of%201995.> accessed 11 dec 2023

[3]Kamyshanskaya, Svetlana. “AI and data privacy: Managing risk in the boardroom.”Board Leadership 2021, no. 174 (2021): 6-7.

[4]Irini Kanaris Miyashiro,’Case Study: Equifax Data Breach’ [2021], SPI, <> accessed 11 dec 2023

[5] Fatima Zahra Senouci, ‘Yahoo Data Breach: An In-Depth Analysis of one of the most Significant Data Breaches in History’ Medium, <> accessed 11 dec 2023