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In this today era of the world, we almost hear every day chilling and heart-throbbing instances of violence, crimes, heinous torture, abuse on women, children, men slaughter and several other human rights violations particularly on the marginalized section of the society,


In this today era of the world, we almost hear every day chilling and heart-throbbing instances of violence, crimes, heinous torture, abuse on women, children, men slaughter and several other human rights violations particularly on the marginalized section of the society, despite the adapting the universal declaration of human rights UDHR (1948 ) right after the independence of countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and special covenants for the rights of children, woman and disabled ones crimes and violation continues against them in very unusual, unhindered and unethical manner the question always arises that ” has humanity been relinquished “or on a surge to end in this 21st century where human not only suffers physically but natural also mentally as well.

Human rights clearly define and describe the equal protection of rights, freedom for individuals nonetheless of individual colour, race, caste, sex, language, religion and political spot the human rights are interpretation to the need of the hour for fairness, impartiality, equity, human dignity and scope of morality in all human activity violation of human rights is the most to refuse independent their fundamental moral dispensation.


Human rights are the rights that are not granted by any state or government they exist simply because we are humans and these rights are individually ingrained in all humans nevertheless of nationality, origin, ethnic, tongue, colour or any other status, these are the freedoms that be owned by every individual in this universe from its birth until demise and apply too anyway who you are and what you trust and what you plump to be in your life. Granted by UDHR design and characteristic with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all over the countries, and was initially set out for the first time as fundamental human rights to be uniformly protected, the statement was adopted by UN General Assembly in Paris on 10 Dec 1948 during 183rd planning meeting consisting of 195 countries presently its member, translated in more than 500 languages and adopted over more than 70 human rights treaties currently 195 countries have adopted human rights.


The Universal Declaration of human rights (UDHR) was entrenched in retaliation to act of brutality during WWII, including the Holocaust. The document figures the various rights that all people are sanction to such as freedom from maltreatment, discourse and voicing, to dissent freely & the right to seek protection. When those rights aren’t secured or ignore, they are breached.

Generally, a state perform  its human rights violation either straight or accidentally, these violations could be deliberate  or unintended discharge by the institution or govt and consequence as a non-success of state to avoid it, these infringements are not categorically carried by a person but naturally engaged by various actors involved to avert it such as police, judges, military, prosecutors, government officials and many others, these violations are mere not physically aggressive such as police misconduct, custodial behaviour but rights such as  fair trial is also contravene where no physical roughness is involved

The other kind of breaking is a failure of the state to secure its people when the quarrel occurs between an individual, class or within a group and states does nothing to intervene it as a recent example can be seen in the case of George Floyd an America native where a state is failing to protect its citizen and as a result of it, lynching went frequently occurred around the state all over.


These rights occur by infraction through the genocide of community, torture and arbitrary arrest these happens generally at the time of war, the conflict also triggers violation and the right to freedom of utterance, moving freely in the territory and right to assemble peacefully. States are significantly responsible for the breach in an attempt to keep control, by repressing and pushing down uprising forces, by defeating rights are the very common strategy used by the government during civil unrest in an attempt to stop the individuals or groups.

Rights are not always specific conflict occur during war or civil unrest it has many other factors including human bondage is currently one of the largest matter on a global world as millions of men, women and children are sold for prostitution and work as slaves around the world and very common but the state is a shortcoming to protect its people and various other problems like the right to adequate housing, the right to health, rights at work, freedom from hunger, right to health, right to education.


INDIA:  India since independence has developed very in many factors but some of the things like poverty, inequality, injustice and various other problems  still has got it roots within the country where many citizens are each day being targeted based on language, culture and religion and many others there are forced to work on low wages, cannot even avail basic facilities for their family they live in bad conditions  in slums with no cleanliness around them at all, they are not much educated to understand the policies of the government and has less understanding to understand what justice is

PAKISTAN: Pakistan is the worse performer as per the 2020 human rights index and stands at 140th  out of 162 countries, a country with a growing population of 22 crores has a majority Muslim population and many problems to deal with, currently under the leadership of PTI leader PM Imran Khan who is holding office since 2018 Pakistan has spent its many years under military rule.

Terrorism and the existence of UN and US selected terrorist groups in Pakistan have created a blunder and is along with running problem due to this the country is also under  (financial action task force ) FATF grey list, also Pakistan dwindling minority of the country is facing severe problems as they were 23% during the independence in 1947 but now its only less than 2% which is alarming they are badly killed, murdered, tortured and forcefully converted by the majority.

BANGLADESH: Bangladesh is ruled by the PM of Awami League under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina Bangladesh has emerged as a global power industry and 2nd largest in the world ready-made garments exporter after china including ties with many big American companies despite this Bangladesh has many problems it is the bad indicators on child marriage in the region, with 59 per cent of women (aged 20 to 24 years) firstly get married at the tender age of 18, Bangladesh has bounteously served as the place to refuges around one million Rohingya refugees who were thrown out of their State. The refugees are continuing to live in a temporary shelter which they consider as their home in harsh conditions with zero adequate necessities, and their duration gets extended and increases over time.

NEPAL: Nepal is a country of more than 30 million people and has the lower per capita GDP in the region other than Afghanistan. the country had been in a decade of a long conflict with Maoist guerillas that finally ended in 2006, by the time country is developing  its democracy, make its institutions strong, standing and conducting elections, making a new constitution for its people

The country completed its  new constitution in 2015, as it was an important  turning point and deserve appreciation for the move, but it’s completely okay to  say that the country has still many challenges to overcome from a human rights perspective

AFGHANISTAN: Afghanistan is the worst suffers in South Asia in terms of peace and security it has problems within-country a terrorist group named as Taliban known as a follower of extreme radical Islam who believe in total Islamization the country and has destroyed the peace since the late 1990s by covering 50 % of present Afghanistan since the US has withdrawn its troops in 2021 and situation are getting worse day by day.


Human rights are important to protect for serving citizens the best and for the smooth governance of the country rights can never be taken but can be restricted in some cases for example: If a person breaks the law or if it is part of national interest or security, these rights are based on shared value, loyalty, dignity, integrity and respect these rights are universal and inalienable, interdependent and interrelated talks about equality and non-discrimination they also hold the accountability of law and therefore these rights are protected by law and the ones who break them is punished by the government of the state in my views each individual should be equally treated & their rights must be protected.

Author(s) Name: (Nidhi Sharma, Chandigarh University)

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