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ICJ was established in 1945 by the United Nations charter and commenced operating in April 1946.



ICJ was established in 1945 by the United Nations charter and commenced operating in April 1946. It is that the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, located at the Peace Palace within The Hague (Netherlands). Unlike the six principal organs of the United Nations, it’s the sole one not settled in NY (USA). It settles legal disputes between States and offers consulted opinions by law, on legal queries remarked it by approved United Nations organs and specialized agencies. It has 193 state parties and the current President is Ronny Abraham.


  • Article 33 of the international organization Charter lists the negotiation, inquiry, and mediation, etc. ways for the pacific settlement of disputes between States. A number of these ways involve the services of third parties.
  • Historically, mediation and arbitration preceded judicial settlement. The previous was identified in ancient Bharat and therefore the Muslim world, while varied samples of the latter may be found in the ancient Hellenic Republic, in China, among the Arabian tribes, in maritime customary law in medieval Europe, and in spiritual leader follows.
  • The trendy history of international arbitration: The 1st section is usually recognized as chemical analysis back from the supposed Jay written agreement of 1794 between the USA and nice Great Britain. Alabama Claims arbitration in 1872 between the UK and therefore US marked the beginning of a second, even additional decisive, phase. The Hague Peace Conference of 1899, convened on the initiative of the Russian Czar, marked the start of a 3rd introduce the trendy history of international arbitration.
  • With relevance arbitration, the 1899 Convention provided for the creation of permanent machinery, called the Permanent Court of Arbitration, established in 1900 and started operationally in 1902.
  • The Convention additionally created a permanent Bureau, settled within The Hague, with functions resembling those of a court written record or secretariat, and arranged down a collection of rules of procedure to control the conduct of arbitrations.
  • Various plans and proposals submitted between 1911 and 1919, each by national and international bodies and by governments, for the institution of a world judicial judicature, that culminated within the creation of the Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ) as associate integral a part of the new International System found out when the top of the primary warfare.
  • In 1943, China, the USSR, the UK, and therefore the US issued a joint declaration recognizing the requirement “of establishing at the earliest practicable date a general coalition, supported the principle of the sovereign equality of all peaceable States, and hospitable membership by all such States, giant and tiny, for the upkeep of international peace and security”.
  • Subsequently, G.H. Hackworth (United States) committee was entrusted with making ready a draft Statute for the longer-term international court of justice in 1945.
  • The metropolis Conference whereas keeping committee recommendations in mind determined against mandatory jurisdiction and in favor of the creation of a wholly new court, which might be a principal organ of the international organization, on identical footing because of the General Assembly, the protection Council, the Economic and Social Council, the TC and therefore the Secretariat.
  • The PCIJ met for the last time in Oct 1945 and resolved to transfer its archives and effects to the new International Court of Justice, which, like its forerunner, was to possess its seat at the Peace Palace.
  • In April 1946, the PCIJ was formally dissolved, and therefore the International Court of Justice, meeting for the primary time, electoral as its President choose José Gustavo Guerrero (El Salvador), the last President of the PCIJ.


  • The Court consists of fifteen judges, who are elective for terms of the workplace of 9 years by the UN General Assembly and also the Security Council. These organs vote at the same time however severally.
  • To be elective, a candidate should receive an associate majority of the votes in each body.
  • To confirm a life of continuity, one-third of the Court is elective every 3 years and Judges are eligible for re-election.
  • The fifteen judges of the Court are distributed in the following regions:
  1. Three from Africa.
  2. Two from Latin America and the Caribbean.
  3. Three from Asia.
  4. Five from Western Europe and others.
  5. Two from Eastern Europe
  • Unlike alternative organs of international organizations, the Court isn’t composed of representatives of governments. Members of the Court are independent judges whose initial task, before taking over their duties, is to form a solemn declaration in open court that they’re going to exercise their powers impartially and carefully.
  • To ensure his or her independence, no Member of the Court will be laid-off unless, within the unanimous opinion of the opposite Members, he/she not fulfill the specified conditions. This has in reality ne’er happened.


Jurisdiction and Functioning

  • ICJ acts as a court with 2 fold jurisdiction i.e. legal disputes between States submitted thereto by them (contentious cases) and requests for informatory opinions on legal queries said it by international organization organs and specialized agencies (advisory proceedings).
  • Only States that are members of the international organization and that became parties to the Statute of the Court or that have accepted its jurisdiction underneath bound conditions, are parties to contentious cases.
  • States don’t have any permanent representatives commissioned to the Court. They usually communicate with the Registrar through their Minister for Foreign Affairs or their ambassador commissioned to the Netherlands.
  • When they’re parties to a case before the Court they’re diagrammatic by Associate in the nursing agent. Since peacekeeping is at stake, the agent is added because it was the top of a special commission with powers to commit a sovereign State.
  • The judgment is final, binding on the parties to a case and while not charm (at the foremost it’s going to be subject to interpretation or, upon the invention of a brand new truth, revision).
  • By language the Charter, a Member State of the international organization undertakes to befit the choice of the Court in any case to that it’s a celebration.
  • A State that considers that the opposite facet has did not perform the obligations incumbent upon it underneath a judgment rendered by the Court could bring the matter before the safety Council, that is sceptered to advocate or decide upon measures to be taken to convey the impact to the judgment.
  • The procedure delineates on top of is the traditional procedure. However, the course of the proceedings is also changed by incidental proceedings.
  • ICJ discharges its duties as a full-court however, at the request of the parties, it’s going to additionally establish circumstantial chambers to look at specific cases.
  • Advisory proceedings before the Court are solely hospitable 5 organs of the international organization and sixteen specialized agencies of the international organization family or related to organizations.
  • Opinions provided by the court in informatory proceedings are informatory and not binding.


The International Court of Justice is invested with each a privileged institutional standing and procedural instruments whose potential is often underestimated. The International Court of Justice could be an element, not solely of the machinery for the peaceful settlement of disputes created by the Charter however conjointly of the final system for the upkeep of international peace and security it established. The Court’s contribution to the institutional law of the IO was threefold. Its jurisprudence had helped to consolidate the Organization’s role and place within the international legal order by elucidative its position as a world organization and also the scope of powers with that it had been entrusted. Its selections had conjointly shed light-weight, inside the establishment itself, on the functioning and responsibilities of the Organization’s principal organs and those functions’ limits. Moreover, the Court had pronounced itself in texts adopted by the final Assembly, thereby strengthening the cooperation within the promotion and development of international peace. Recently, the Court had the chance to ingeminate that finding in its opinion on the Legal Consequences of the development of a shut-in the Occupied Palestinian Territory that had been delivered in 2004.  The Court had recalled that, though the safety Council had primary responsibility for the upkeep of international peace and security below Article twenty-four of the Charter, its responsibility wasn’t exclusive. Turning to “Crimes against humanity”, whereas the Rome Statute regulated “vertical relationships” between the International Tribunal and its States Parties. The current work would produce “horizontal relationships” among States and regulate inter-State cooperation, strengthening the international community’s efforts to forestall those crimes.

Author(s)Name: Priyanshi Srivastava (Amity University, Noida)


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